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Concrete spraying pumps

Normet Piccola

The Normet Piccola (Previously named MEYCO Piccola) is a dry mix concrete spraying pump, based on the rotor principle. Its well-proven design makes it most robust, easy to set up and operate.

The Piccola is the machine of choice for small to medium spraying works (repair works of concrete structures, rock support works, sealing off wet areas, fine mortar repairs of joints, refractory linings, slope protection/working pits, sprayable membrane works, swimming pools and artificial gardening)

Машина за полагане на пръскан бетон и укрепване на откоси, ремонтни работи върху различни по големина площи, ремонт на фуги, дори строителство на плувни басейни и къщи, е по възможностите на Normet® Piccola.
Normet® GM е машина за полагане на пръскан бетон С нея може да се торкретират тунелни и минни конструкции, да се укрепват откоси, да се ремонтират големина площи, ремонтират фуги, дори да се строят плувни басейни и къщи.

Normet GM

The Normet GM (Previously named MEYCO GM)  is a dry mix concrete spraying pump, based on the rotor principle. It is well-proven design makes it most robust, and easy to set up and operate.

The GM is used for medium and large-size dry-mix spraying works (repair works of concrete structures, slope protection/working pits, rock support, back-up rig on TBMs, tunnelling works in mines)


Mixing and pumping machines


The K MUNGG® 10 is a continuously working mortar mixing pump, that enables easy mixing, pumping and spraying (with additional air compressor) of machine use dry mortar.

The drive is easy to service with only one motor. The dry mortar or cement is filled via a filling grid in the hopper.
From there, the steel screw conveyor of the conveyor mixer feeds the dry material in the mixing chamber, where it is continually mixed with the injected water.

Mixing of:

  •     dry mortar or cement
K MUNGG 10 е помпа за смесване на разтвори, която позволява изпомпване на сухи разтвори и инжектиране на анкери.
IS-80-E e инжекционна инсталация, подходяща за смесване и изпомпване на бентонитни и циментови суспензии.


The grout plant IS-80-E specifically developed compact automatic mixing and grouting plant for construction sites. The grout plant is particularly suitable for mixing and grouting bentonite, cement, insulation slurries and sealing wall components or another fluid-containing slurry.

Application areas:

  • Аnchor injection
  • Grouting
  • Cavity filling
  • Micro tunnelling
  • Ground injection
  • Bentonite lubrication


Mixing of:

  • Cement slurries
  • Anchor grout
  • Bentonite slurries
  • Filling material for peripheral sealing
  • Insulation slurries
  • Fly-ash slurries