The second life of an industrial heritage Tobacco Factory Compound in Venice
The second life of an industrial heritage Tobacco Factory Compound in Venice

Located in the western part of Venice near Piazzale Roma, the former Tobacco Factory is undergoing a remarkable transformation into the new...

Data center waterproofing: new challenges for professionals

From 2019 to 2023, the data center market showed strong growth (boasting a double digit % ratio), because of the COVID-19...

How to lift heavy access covers more easily?
How to lift heavy access covers more easily?

Inspection covers play a vital role in infrastructure for both industrial and private properties, providing access to underground installations,...

Redevelopment of cycle and pedestrian path with BITUMFLEX
Redevelopment of cycle and pedestrian path with BITUMFLEX

Urban redevelopment project with protective colored coating for asphalt LOCATION: Borgo Marino Sud neighborhood, Villaggio...

Полугъвкави битумно-циментови настилки за летище Корфу, Гърция
Semi-flexible bituminous cement pavements for Corfu Airport, Greece

Airport of Corfu | Greece Semi-flexible bituminous cement pavements for Corfu Airport, Greece SITE: Corfu | Greece CLIENT: Corfu...

HagoDeck Composite
Modern lightweight-construction access covers

Lighter, more elegant and easier to install Austrian firm Hago has created the HagoDeck Composite manhole cover range using lightweight...

Крайбрежна велоалея без риск от корозия

Фибри за бетон BarChip елиминират риска от корозия на брега на морето в Талин, Естония. Обект: Крайбрежна велоалея, Талин,...

BarChip was used as the primary reinforcement in Amazon’s 41,180 m2 fulfilment centre.
Amazon Fulfilment Centre, Brazil

BarChip was used as the primary reinforcement in Amazon’s 41,180 m2 fulfilment centre. Opened in 2020, Amazon’s fulfilment centre...

BarChip Fibre Enabled The Reinforcement Of A Thin Concrete Screed Where There Was Insufficient Thickness For Traditional Steel Mesh
Fibre Reinforced Thin Concrete Screed Overlay

BarChip Fibre Enabled The Reinforcement Of A Thin Concrete Screed Where There Was Insufficient Thickness For Traditional Steel Mesh...

BarChip macro synthetic fibre helps Parramatta Light Rail deliver world-class sustainable infrastructure, reducing the carbon footprint by 4,815 tonnes of CO2e, reducing labour costs by 15% and helping Parramatta Connect achieve the highest ever ‘As-Built’ IS score from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council.
Parramatta Light Rail

BarChip macro synthetic fibre helps Parramatta Light Rail deliver world-class sustainable infrastructure, reducing the carbon footprint by 4,815...

Materica е системата, проектирана от DRACO за дизайнерско покритие на подове, врати и стени. Тънкослойната система Materica (
Popart bar and microcement flooring

Choosing MATERICA means embracing a new paradigm of style and efficiency. Materica is the system designed by DRACO for the design coating of...

To restore the bearing capacity of the slab, it was decided to carry out expansive injections under the slab to fill the voids, and to cover the concrete slab with a semi-flexible bituminous-cement flooring made with the DRACOBIT System more suitable for absorbing stress.
Recovery of the flooring of the access area to the container area

Padua Freight Interport SITE: PADUA INTERPORT CLIENT: CARRON SpA TYPE OF INTERVENTION: Underplate injections and retopping for the...

Paving of the external area of container handling with high traffic

Port of Thessaloniki | Greece Paving of the external area of container handling with high traffic SITE: PORT THESSALONIKI | Greece...

Synthetic (polypropylene) fiber reinforcement replaces steel in concrete

Synthetic (polypropylene) fiber reinforcement replaces steel in concrete Australian Standard 3727 - Guide to the Construction of Concrete...

Завод на Heiniken, армиран с полипропиленови фибри за бетон BarChip MQ58
BarChip Fibre Reinforced Concrete Flooring

Founded in 1864, many regarded Heineken as the world's greatest beer. In 2019, the company produced over 24 billion litres of beer across 165...
