
DESOI Piles allow the realisation of foundations or foundation strengthening of a structure within a very short time. The low weight and the easy installation enable the application in nearly all foundation grounds and at almost every place. The helical design of the DESOI Piles generates a unique ratio between the cross section and total surface for a high transfer of the tensile and compressive forces into the foundation ground. The extremely corrosion-resistant aluminium alloy permits its use in aggressive soil. As a result, even under the most unfavourable conditions, a lifetime can be granted that exceeds the minimum working life of 80 years for permanent buildings. Micropiles DESOI Pile is 1m and available in two versions 60 and 100 mm, with the different bearing loads.
- Fast installation
- No damages to surrounding areas
- Immediately loadable and testable
- Simple and lightweight driving equipment
- No concrete
- No excavation / earthmoving required
- Extremely durable
- Highly resistant to tensile and compressive forces
- The installation of the DESOI Piles is carried out using hand-held or mini-excavator driven hydraulic hammers driving the pile into the foundation ground.
- Thus neither excavation nor earthmoving are required and nearly no vibrations are generated that may affect surrounding areas or buildings. Immediately after installation, the piles can be loaded.
- DESOI Piles are of multiple use and can be removed after the installation. In addition to making foundations for new structures, the piles are ideal for foundation strengthening of existing structures.
- The piles are available as 1 meter segments, in the nominal diameters 60 mm and 100 mm, and with different load bearing capacities.