
Creation of chemical barriers against rising damp in masonry Bikol Capillary Barrier + (300 ml.)

CODE: bikol_capillary_300ml
Brand: Bikol
  • Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is a creamy emulsion, ready to use, super hydrophobic;
  • For porous brickwork, i.e. built with solid bricks and/or stone, rock and tuff, to abate capillary rising damp in walls, through injection.
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Price with VAT: 16,50 BGN
19,50 BGN
+ 1

Minimum quantity is 1.


Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is a gel-based silane monomer for repellent treatment of masonry subject to capillary rising damp.

Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is an easy to use product that it’s applied without special equipments, filling small holes made at the base of the masonry.

Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is a gel-based silane monomer for repellent treatment of masonry subject to capillary rising damp.  Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is an easy to use product that it’s applied without special equipments, filling small holes made at the base of the masonry.


  • Bikol® Capillary Barrier + is a waterproofing cream ready to use;
  • Its thixotropy allows use in horizontal holes without the product drains out from the hole;
  • The product is well distributed in porous media ensuring a homogeneous migration several centimetres through the pores and capillaries of the masonry;
  • Treatment with Bikol® Capillary Barrier + gives the high masonry hydrophobic, so the blockade of capillary rise and at the same time an unchanged breathability to water vapor;
  • Easy injection through gun;
  • pH 7-8.


It is ideal for:

  • Indoors and outdoors porous brickwork, built with solid bricks and/or stone, rock and tuff;

Bikol® Capillary Barrier + спира капилярно покачващата се влага в плътна тухлаBikol® Capillary Barrier + спира капилярно покачващата се влага в куха тухлаBikol® Capillary Barrier + спира капилярно покачващата се влага в камъкBikol® Capillary Barrier + спира капилярно покачващата се влага в кух зид

Preparing the surfaces:

  1. Remove all existing deteriorated plaster up to a height that exceeds the obvious maximum line of rising damp by at least 30 cm.
  2. Make a sequence of horizontal blind holes with a diameter of 14 mm, at a distance of 12 cm, approximately 10 cm above the ground. The holes should preferably be aligned horizontally and implemented, where possible, following the course of the mortar joints of bricks or stones that make up the masonry.
  3. The depth of the holes should be 4-5 cm less than the thickness of the wall.
  4. Once the holes have been drilled, clean them out by blowing or vacuuming out any residues.


Instruction for application:

  1. Made holes in the masonry, put in Bikol® Capillary Barrier + through manual gun to achieve a complete filling of the holes avoid trapping air inside. To avoid it, it’s enough to use a tube/extension and fill the hole from the bottom and not vice versa.
  2. Filled the holes, seal them with a bit of mortar.


Преди да инжжектирате Bikol® Capillary Barrier +, пробийте отвори в зида Преди да инжжектирате Bikol® Capillary Barrier +, почистете пробитите в зида отвори Инжжектирате чрез пистолет Bikol® Capillary Barrier + в предварително пробитите и почистени отвори в зида Запечатайте с мазилка или вар инжжектираните с Bikol® Capillary Barrier + отвори в зида


Follow the course of the mortar joints of bricks or stones that make up the masonry:

Спиране на капилярно покачваща се влага в тухлен зид, чрез инжектиране на Bikol® Capillary Barrier + Спиране на капилярно покачваща се влага в каменен зид, чрез инжектиране на Bikol® Capillary Barrier +


Indicative Consumption*:

Thickness of the walls

Number of cartridges per linear metre

Wall 60 сm 2,35 pcs.
Wall 50 сm 1,92 pcs.
Wall 40 сm 1,50 pcs.
Wall 25 сm 0,86 pcs.
Wall 13 сm 0,34 pcs.

Bikol® Capillary Barrier +: 12 ml./m. for every cm of thickness of the wall.

Ex.: if I need to waterproof brickwork that is 8 m long and 25 cm thick: (8 m. x 25 cm. x 12 ml.) = 2400 ml. (8 cartridges)

* Indicative consumption of cartridges of Bikol® Capillary Barrier + required to work on one linear of masonry, according to the thickness of the wall. The values are provided purely as a guideline as they can vary, even substantially, based on the surface.



  • milky white



  • Cartridges 300cc


Product for professional use only.

Areas of application:
  • Masonry
  • white
Ideal for:
  • Waterproofing
Waterproofing of:
  • External/internal walls
  • Basements

Техническа информация (Bikol_Capillary_Barrier___TDS_V_01.2023_bg.pdf, 331 Kb) [Download]

Здравейте г-н Василев,

Bikol Capillary Barrier + не може да бъде използван вместо санитарен силикон за целите на уплътнение, които Вие търсите. Консистенцията му е подобна на пяна за бръснене (не е плътна като силикон), чиято цел е да прониква в порите на зидарията и по този начин да изгражда бариера срещу капилярна влага.

Екипът на Лийф Група
Здравейте, продъктът може ли да се използва за запечатване вместо силикон (например около ръба на тоалетната чиния и умивалник в банята)?
Здравейте г-н Антонов,

Да, продуктът за прекъсване на капилярна влага Bikol Capillary Barrier + може да бъде използван и в стени от газобетон. Оставаме на разположение, в случай че имате нужда от съдействие, относно прилагането на продукта.

Екипът на Лийф Група
Bikol capillary 300мл може ли да се ползва за стена от газобетон?
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